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  例句1、奥地利发现五名疑似病例。Five suspected cases of swine flu found in Austria.

  例句 2、韩国奥地利发现1名疑似病例。大家自己写写吧!

  如果我们写 ,猪流感期间不建议大家去疫情的地区旅游,大家怎么写?先看一个例句:

  例句3:瑞士公民被建议不去墨国旅游. Swiss citizens advised against Mexico travel.同样的换个国家,就能写另外一个句子了.

  例句 4、瑞士政府周二通知公民避免不必要的墨国旅游.The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday.


  例句5: 从墨国刚返回的瑞士公民都有流感症状,已被隔离.Swiss who had just returned from Mexico all had the symptoms of influenza and were in quarantine.


  He admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, /were already quarantined and received necessary medication, /but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus. 大家按照我的分句符号来看长句,是不是很简单?


  例如写:1、我们已经在城市公共场所发放口罩.The city has been giving out face masks on public transport.

2、我们已经要求有流感症状包括: 发烧/ 头疼/ 肌肉疼(浑身疼)以及呼吸问题的市民尽早去附近医疗中心治疗.We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible.

  例如大家怎洗手 to wash hands ;保证充足的睡眠 to ensure sufficient sleep ;多锻炼多运动Moderate exercise will benefit you. 适当的锻炼对你有好处。 等等!猪流感英语词汇 英语写作常用

  猪流感 Swine Flu 英语作文 原创


  1、猪流感英语怎么说 猪流感用英文怎么说?

  2、吃猪肉会得猪流感吗? 大家会觉得这些文章很短,是问答形式的,所以很方便大家来改写。



  5、人会得猪流感吗? Do Humans Get Swine Flu?


  7、猪流感的症状? The Symptoms of Swine Flu (这篇文章里会为大家解释9个猪流感的核心问题)

  8、猪流感有生命危险吗?猪流感QA 中英文





  4、71.1度就会杀死猪流感病毒 中英文


  6、中国采取禁止进口疫区猪肉措施应对猪流感 双语


  8、中国加强猪流感戒备与预防 双语

  9、墨西哥怎样对付猪流感 双语




1. saving water

  as we know, water is so important to man. theamount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. but somepeople don’t care about it. they waste a lot of water in their dailylife. even worse, they pour dirty water and throw rubbish into rivers.many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.

  something must be doneto stop the pollution(to deal with the problem). and i think it’s agreat shame to waste while millions are in great need of water.wehave to save every drop of water. for example, turn off the tap afterusing it and use a basin to wash as well. it’s also a good idea to encouragemy friends and family members to join me! only in this way can we livehappily. if not, the last drop of water will be the tear.

  i believe if everyone dose like this, we can make agreat difference.

2. hazy weather

  recently,hazy weather has become commonin china. people wear masks to avoid poisonous air. emissionproduced from factories and cars is the main source. the smog surely hasnegative effects on peoples health especially that of thechildren and the elderly .but how to deal with it?

  first, the government should perfect laws to punish those factories thatignore the protection. and businessmen must pay more attention to theenvironment instead of money. second, green commuting and alow-carbon life are supposed to be called for. third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower theemission of haze.

  if we work together,our environmentwill get better and better and haze weather will disappear completely.

3. self-confidence

  there are many factors that can contribute to a person’s successin life,such as hard-work, honesty, intelligence, etc. but i believeself-confidence to be the most important.

  everyone is flickering in his own way, and has his own arena though nobody is perfect. confidence gives you the courage to try newthings. besides, a confident person rarely gives up. when hefails he tries again and again until he wins.

  give yourself a bright smile. and nothing is impossible, just do it!

4. grateful to our parents

  i consider my parents as the most important people in my life----forthe care and love they devote to me.

  my parents have been trying their best to give me a better lifeand future. no matter when and where i get into trouble , they comeup to support me and encourage me. i will always remember the worries intheir eyes and smiles on their faces.but now they re getting older withgrey hair and wrinkles.

  words fail me when i try to expressmy heartfelt gratitude to my parents .i can do nothing but make somedifference,and not let them down.

5. smiling

  as we all know, smiling is an expression showing pleasure, sociability and happiness. there are many goodpoints of smiling. on the one hand, smiling can make us happy, andplease others at the same time. if you always smile at life, life will smile atyou in return. on the other hand, you will be much more positivethan before. you can find a different world if you often smile. what's more, smiling is a means of communication and can help you have more friends.

  i was smiling yesterday,i am smiling today and i will smile tomorrow.

  (sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes yoursmile can be the source of your joy.)

  (youll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.)












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